Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Five Myths Millennials Believe

Ah, we Millennials. How did we grow up so short-sighted, under-funded, emotionally needy and over-confident? How did we grow up and abandon religion, or at least good Christianity, good budget skills or good logic?
   [I thought it prudent to remind the reader that I'm 22 years old, and thereby just as Millennial as the next twenty-something. I speak for my own generation here, not someone else's.]
   Without further ado, 5 Myths that Millennials believe!

        Number 1: Global Warming is melting the polar ice caps at a rate never before seen, and we need to stop polluting practices to keep the ice frozen, like it's supposed to be.
        Facts: Yes, the average hot temperature has gone up over the last few decades. One interesting thing to note, though, is that almost none of the Global Warming people have actually been to either Pole. Those that have largely occupied two Polar missions to the ice cap above Greenland, Canada and Russia, in order to prove to the world that, according to their calculations and theories, during the warm season ships can now sail through waters that were previously were impassible. Both expeditions encountered massive ice floes and blockages, even whole huge sheets of frozen layers of ice that hadn't melted for years and years, despite the theories of theirs that say that this ice melts completely ever summer.

       Number 2: Rich people either inherited their wealth, or got huge help from other rich people to start up. Just look at Trump!
       Facts: Many millionaires worked their way to that point, often from ramen-eating, clunker-driving existences. Dave Ramsey is a good example. He worked himself to millionaire status from nothing, got stupid (his word, not mine) and lost it all, and then built himself up even better than he was, from the nothing he had left himself. So Dave Ramsey is good proof that it can be done - twice. But there are plenty of others. Just listen to Ramsey's "Millionaire Hour" on his radio show
(https://www.youtube.com/watchv=TBVc9RGmnl4&list=PLN4yoAI6teRNHlVsLUYTquLdh3kh1VXES), where real millionaires call in and talk about what they did. The secret, usually, is hard work, frugality and sacrifice. You don't get rich on Starbucks, energy drinks, a new phone, a new car, a bigger apartment or anything like that. You get rich by working big, earning big, saving big, investing big (in safe investments, not the crazy stuff) and spending tiny. Dave Ramsey's kids used to complain that he spent so little, but now they can all look back on college that he paid cash for, and numerous other things he's been able to do because of his lifestyle, and now they're working to follow his example. We can do this. But it won't be overnight, and we don't get treats along the way - we've got to work for it.

        Number 3: Religion has always resisted scientific progression, and science is now killing religion.
        Facts: Atheism doesn't make much sense as a philosophical theory (perhaps I'll make a post about that soon), but its scientific theories don't make much scientific sense, either. I don't say that as a layperson - I prefer to listen to scientists' opinion on this. Philosophy is killing atheism, and evolution is key in preserving atheism as a worldview. Without evolution, atheism can't explain life, especially intelligent life. But the problem is that science continues, not just to baffle, but to contradict evolutionary theory. A prime example: when Darwin's evolutionary theories first exploded into a mainstream worldview, the scientific community thought that cells were mind-numbingly simple organisms with basically no internal mechanisms. They thought they were little blobs of goo with a semisolid membrane protecting their otherwise amorphous insides. From this perspective, it seems almost reasonable to postulate that such an organism might have spontaneously evolved from some sort of primordial soup (the existence and makeup of which science has never really had good proof). The problem, however, is that cells are incredibly more complex than early evolutionists (or Creationists, for that matter) could have dreamed. They have complex proteins that make up their skin, molecular machines that pump fluid from one part of the cell to another and back, digestive processes, waste processes, reproductive mechanisms to ensure that the first cell is not the last, motor function machines within the organism that help it move about, to say little of the huge store of readable data found in cellular DNA and the mechanisms that translate it and put its messages into effect. These sorts of mechanisms, most of which are completely necessary, so far as we can tell, for a cell to survive at all. Without all of them, it would have none of them - or at least, it couldn't survive without all.
        In addition to this, the scientific explosion in the Renaissance was pioneered by Christians like Gallileo Gallilei and Isaac Newton, and scientists have a pretty good Christian population to this day.

        Number 4: Reformed Theology (a.k.a. Calvinism) is the greatest, purest, most consistent form of Christianity ever, and is the most effective version of the Gospel. John Piper and his contemporaries are great men of God.
        Facts: I've developed a degree of respect for my Reformed brothers and sisters, but this myth needs to stop. In my other posts, I explain why it is that this is a myth at more length, but suffice it to say for now that Reformed Theology claims to be Biblical, but isn't.

        Number 5: Feminism is the great celebration of women.
        Facts: How interesting to note that the way Feminism celebrates womanhood is by making women as much like men as they can... Feminists want men's jobs (which we don't deny them, provided they do a good job), they want men's pay (same), they want men's authority, they want men's apparel, they want men's hairstyles, they want men's sports, they want men's cars, they want men's civil rights - in other words, women want to have what men have and to be what men are. It sounds to me like Feminism is more a celebration of manhood than womanhood.

   So those are five of the myths we Millennials believe! How we got to the point of actually believing any of these five things is depressing and truly beyond me. I don't get it.
   Anyway, thanks for reading and check me out again back here in a week!

   God bless.

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